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          Custom Order

          Don't Compromise. Customize!

          Many brands we display at Blocker’s Furniture give you the opportunity to specify exactly what you want. So you don’t need to settle for only what’s in stock.

          Often you can specify the frame, fabric or leather covering, color, cushion type, details such as wood / stain finishes, nailhead trim, accent pillows and more.

          So let your imagination guide you to choices that will give the absolute best comfort and the exact look you desire. You’ll discover custom furniture is an easy way to create pieces that match or complement your interior design and accessories.

          While it may cost more than something pre-built on our floor, nothing says “you” like furniture made to order.

          And, although you will have to wait for your custom furniture to be built, you'll undoubtedly spend less time designing your furniture than you would visiting multiple stores to find the “right” item.